Parker, Steve

The human body book - Estados Unidos : Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2007 - 256 p.: 26cm. + ilustraciones, gráficas y tablas 1 DVD.

Contains: Glossary and analytical index Foreword by Robert Winston.

Integrated body: Imaging The body - Body system - support and movement - Information processing - The fluid body - Equilibrium - Body system to cells - The cell - DNA - The genome - Cell types and tissues -- Skeletal system: Skeleton - Bone structure - Joints - Skull - Spine - Ribs,pelvis,hands, and feet - Bone disirders - Joint disorders -- Muscular system: Muscles of the body - Muscles of the face,head and neck - Muscles and tendons - Muscle and tendón disorders -- Nervous system: Nervous system - Nerves and neurons - Nerve impulses - Brain - Brain structures - Primitive brain - Spinal cord - Peripheral nerves - Autonomic nervous system - Memory,thougths,and emotions - Touch,taste and smell - Ears,hearing, and balance - Eyes and visión - Cerebrovascular disorders - Brain and spinal cord disouders - Brain injury, infection, and tumors - Ear and eye disorders -- Endocrine system: Endocrine anatomy - Hormone producers - Hormal action - Hormonal disorders -- Cardiovascular system: Cardiovascular anatomy - Blood and blood vessels - Heart structure - How the heart beats - Coronary artery disease - Heart muscle disorders - Structural disorders - Circulatory and heart/rate disorders -- Respiratory system: Respiratory anatomy - Lungs - Gas exchange - Breathing and vocalization - Respiratory disorders -- Skin,hair, and nails: Skin,hair, and nail structure - Skin and epitelial tissues - Skin injury and disorders -- Lymph and immunity: Lymph and immune system - Immune system - Inflammatory response - Fighting infections - Allergies - HIV-AIDS - Autoimmune and lymphatic disorders -- Digestive system: Digestive anatomy - Mouth and throat - Stomach and small intestine - Liver,gallbladder, and pancreas - Large intestine - Digestion-nutrients and metabolis - Upper digestive tract disorders - Liver,gallbladder, and páncreas disorders - Lower digestive tract disorders -- Urinary system: Urinary anatomy - Kidney structure - Urinary disorders -- Reproduction and life cycle: Male reproductive system - Female reproductive system - Conception to embryo - Fetal development - Preparing for birth - Labor-delivery - After the birth - Growth and development - Puberty-agimg-inheritance - Patterns of inheritance - Female reproductive disorders - Male reproductive disorders - Sexually transmitted infections - Infertility disorders - pregnnancy and labor disorders - Inherited disorders - Cancer


Fisiología humana
Anatomía y Fisiología
Sistema nervioso
Sistema endocrino
Sistema cardiovascular
Sistema muscular
Sistema musculoesquelético
Sistema respiratorio
Sistema digestivo
Sistema renal
Reproducción humana

611.9 / P238